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Chaos theory has a metaphor for the way trivial occurrences can have significant consequences: it's the butterfly effect. We're proud of Johannes' post of that name in which he explains why he's a Queensberry partisan. It's about a serendipitous image that won him his first NZIPP Gold, caught Heather's and my eyes … and led to a relationship that's lasted eighteen years. So far. All because his tripod collapsed. That relationship has been positive for us in so many ways, and we hope it's been good for Johannes too. One of the benefits has a really old name: word of mouth. Johannes has a great To View More >>

When was the last time you opened one of these? Ours go straight in the recycling. What happens when you (or your customers) decide you're over Facebook, or stop clicking on Google Adwords? In this video Gary Vaynerchuk asks a bunch of event marketers how many of them said five years ago that they'd never have a Facebook account … but now they do. He says we need to ask ourselves where our customers will be hanging out in two years time. Hey, you could be on Snapchat or Vine! There's no point fishing in the wrong spot, and those fish are schooling all over the place. Partly because marketers To View More >>

Click the screenshots to view them full size Workspace is constantly evolving. If you haven't tried it lately you haven't tried it! This week we’re excited to announce that we’ve just upgraded Workspace slideshows for smartphones and tablets. On iOS and Android devices your image collections now display like mobile apps, which on iOS your customer can even install easily on their home screen. Scroll down for demos, and click the big gold button for an introductory offer! Here's the back story... From Day One our goal for Workspace has been to make it super-easy to host and display To View More >>

To help promote our professional clients we've just updated the Queensberry photographer directory. You can now include up to four images to show off your work. Listings are absolutely free - so if you haven't already, now's the time to add some images and get the Queensberry website working for you. The directory link is right on our home page (Where To Buy) and gets a lot of traffic. When visitors open the directory it automatically searches for photographers closest to them, but they can also enter another location. Listings with images rank first - but distance from the search location and To View More >>

You might remember a post called "the secret life of wedding photographers" on ISPWP a few years ago. Apparently photographers lead a great life – you get to spend your time taking pictures, travelling to exotic locations and partying like rockstars! Of course the sad reality is often quite different. This fertile little meme has got a lot more airtime recently because APE and now Seth Godin have posted about it. As always, Seth's post is well worth the read. He makes the point that everyone has a choice: get together the "guts and resources" too do what you were born to do, or spend your time To View More >>
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